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Spring 2000

bulletPam goes home for a visit



Pam goes home for a visit

March 13-20, 2000

It was nice to be back in Bristol, Pa., especially during St. Patrick's Day when everyone is in a celebratory mood. I spent a lot of time visiting family and friends. For some reason, I got very nostalgic for familiar things before I came home. So while I was in town, I visited Penn State Ogontz campus, now called Abington College (don't ask me why because it's still PSU) and bought a lot of PSU things. I also shopped in Bristol and bought a Bristol Historic Society blanket and some postcards and magnets (strange, I know). I bought a sketching and a watercolor painting from my cousin Joe Sagolla, the latter of which will be delivered to me by my mom when she comes to visit in August. Last, but not least, I brought home tons of Tastykakes. The following day I brought them into work and got everyone in the Seattle office hooked. One guy even looked Tastykake up on the Internet to order more (they do have a web site, by the way, www.tastykake.com). Needless to say, my suitcase was very heavy on the way back.

Pictures from Pam's trip



Polly Esters Brady Bunch
A Saturday night at Polly Ester's in downtown Philly. (L to R) Perry, Lisa D, me, Debi, Terry (front) Lisa P. Sorry Perry! Who cut you off? Did you know that I replaced Alice in the final episodes of the Brady Bunch?


Terry, me, Lisa, and Debi at Geno's in South Philly. I had to have a cheesesteak while in town.


Dinner at Outback Steak House
After dinner with Jason's "parental units" at Outback Steak House in Langhorne, Pa. Terry's girlfriend Debi took the picture.


Me and Gramzie

Me and Gramzie at St. James Church in Trenton, N.J.


Scott and Alexandra
Pam's friend Scott and his daughter, Alexandra.


Me and Mom

Mackey and Me

Show us your mugs! Me and mom at her salt mine, err, the Community Development office in Bristol Twp., Pa.

Me and Community Development "kingpin" (and mom's boss), Tom McDermott. Moments later, he tried to bribe me with some stolen coffee mugs, but fortunately security was only a phone call away.


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