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Summer 1999

bulletPam's parents invade Seattle 
bulletJason assigned to new squadron
bulletWe are moving to Anacortes



Visitors invade from the East

ferry2.jpg (63906 bytes) On Wednesday, August 4, two East Coast dwellers invaded Pam and Jason's home, leaving behind sweltering heat for the crisp Seattle air. In retaliation, Elaine and Terry Pezzola of Bristol, Pennsylvania, were then forced to escort Jason and Pam on a mini tour of the Pacific Northwest.

For more on this story, check Pam's Travel Log on the
Olympic Peninsula.

'We come in peace!'

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Jason assigned to new squadron

graywolf.jpg At long last, Jason is finished with his preliminary aviation training for good!  No more studying, no more simulators, no more pseudo-graduations! The real world as an aviator has begun, which means 4.5 more years of required active duty.

The latest news is that as of June, Jason is officially assigned to VAQ 142, home of the Gray Wolves. The home base of VAQ 142 is Whidbey Island, Washington. No changes there.

VAQ 142 is a land-based squadron, which means that Jason will not be deploying to an aircraft carrier. Instead, he will deploy to Turkey.

The first deployment is scheduled for September and is for three months. While in Turkey, he will be flying missions to wherever he is needed.

He'll be in VAQ 142 for the next three years.


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We are moving to Anacortes

Since Pam will now be able to telecommute to her job, we decided to stop the madness of living in two homes and seeing each other only on the weekends! We decided to rent a house in Anacortes, which is a half hour from the base and about 1.5 hours north of Seattle. We're planning on moving when Jason gets back from his first deployment (around January 2000). We haven't started looking yet.

Currently, we are still living in two abodes: a rented house near the base in Oak Harbor that Jason shares with two roommates and an apartment in LynnwoodSee Map.

I guess this means that Pam will have to share her closet now!

anacortes2.bmp (99054 bytes) Anacortes is a coastal town and is known as the gateway to the San Juan Islands (via the ferry). It is also close to Victoria and Vancouver, British Columbia.

The best thing about Anacortes is that it gets HALF the rainfall of the rest of western Washington. Why? Because the Olympic mountains create a "rain shadow" over Anacortes, blocking most of the rain.


Anacortes, Washington


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