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Winter 1999

bulletJason Comes Home


Jason Comes Home

In the wee hours of December 18th, Jason arrived home along with the rest of squadron 142. Their rented commercial airplane taxied right up to the 142 hanger doors, which made the event all the more dramatic and exciting.  The hanger was decorated with banners, balloons, and goodies. Chairs were set up for the awaiting family members to sit.

As people starting descending the plane, I witnessed about a dozen or so tearful reunions. Kids were running, yelling "daddy" or "mommy" and presenting flowers and balloons. One young wife wore a strapless prom dress to greet her sailor husband, which was pretty amazing considering it was 3:30 AM and about 30 degrees.

Jason was one of the last people to leave the plane. When I saw him walking toward the hanger, I started running toward him in breathless anticipation.  I had been waiting for this moment for what seemed like an eternity. When I finally reached him, I made a passionate dive for his large duffel bag, which I knew contained my souvenirs from Turkey. We hugged, the duffel bag and I that is. And I was finally reunited with my handmade Turkish jewelry box. What a moment.





Jason sported a mustache while in Turkey but shaved it the day after he came home



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